Transcendental Meditation
Oh, Christ
Thou Son of God
My own eternal Self
Live Thou Thy life in me
Do Thou Thy will in me
Be Thou made flesh in me
I have no will but Thine
I have no self but Thee !
Oh, Christ
Thou Son of God
My own eternal Self
Live Thou Thy life in me
Do Thou Thy will in me
Be Thou made flesh in me
I have no will but Thine
I have no self but Thee !
Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be Thy name
Our Father, who art in the highest and the lowest, the first and the last, Thy name is on the heavens and the earth, for Thou art all.
Thy kingdom come
Thy kingdom, the sphere of Thy rulership, is within me, seeing which I may enter into Thy wholeness and Thy perfection.
Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven
Thy will is the ruling power in the heavens and the earth, thus it is well with me and all men.
Give us this day our daily bread
Thou art this day my inexhaustible supply, feeding me with living bread and clothing me with the raiment of Thy righteousness.
And forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us
Thou hast always given me Thyself for myself and the power to transcend my nature in receiving Thine.
And lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil
Thou hast always set before me the task of accepting my divinity, whereby I am delivered from myself into Thyself.
For Thine is the kingdom, the power, and the glory forever
For Thine, mine, ours is the kingdom, the power that rules therein, and the glory of our own creation.
And so it is.
Do you want to experience more freedom during the holiday season and into the New Year?
The Prosperos’ free 12 Days of Christmas as 12 Days of Self Observation will help you flip end-of-year feelings of stress, nostalgia, loneliness, or even overexcitement into unpredictable good and joy.
Does that sound good, but you just have too much to do? Consider this: If you have enough time to worry, scroll through social media, or fantasize about the New Year, you have enough time to take part in the 12 Days of Christmas as 12 Days of Self Observation program . . .
. . . because the program is designed to work while you are immersed in your daily activities during this busy holiday season. You’ll just be observing what you are doing / thinking / feeling in order to liberate yourself from ingrained habits and patterns so you can start 2024 with increased freedom !
Here’s what you will receive:
Three PDFs that include a quote from Thane (one on 24 December; one on 30 December, and the final one on 06 January) ;
Simple instructions on how to observe and record your habits and patterns (sent with the PDFs) ;
One-time Zoom call to discuss your experiences (TBD with the registered participants; January).
This program is completely free, but you do need to register to receive the PDFs, instructions and invitation to the Zoom call.
“Meditation . . . in itself is a search for Truth.” –Thane, Transcendentalism Lesson Two
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