Dream Group on Thursday’s 7pm - 8pm
The Dream Group is held weekly on Thursday’s for one hour starting at 7pm. Come join us to dive deeper into what’s happening in your life this week though your dreams. We review our dreams and help each other navigate and enhance our RHS and Translation work. Together we help bring the conscious mind to be aware of our unconscious directions. Dreamers are encouraged to join us, please email me at HughJohn.Malanaphy@theProsperos.org for more info.
Releasing the power of your Dreams
Accelerate your Personal Growth
Understand the route of your conscious evolving
Solve Problems
Realize those "not so secret" messages from your unconscious mind
Gain ideas which help in waking life
Turn up your creativity
Interpret your dreams
Review and improve methods to remember your dreams
Stay up on the latest scientific information on sleep, dreaming and health
Dream Group is by donation, thank you.