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Advance Seminar Monitor Class

Advance Seminar


Advances during the past 50 years bring challenges that must be met if mankind is to retain individual integrity in a technological world.We will explore how today we are entering a new age. We are learning the secret of the basic power of the universe and must think of ourselves in new ways - not anatomically but atomically. We must learn to re-orient our identity from being material, physical forms in time and space to BEING MIND UNFOLDING on our way to achieving self-directed evolution.

This is a monitor class featuring Thane’s audio lessons and augmented by live instruction by Anne Bollman, H.W., M.

Teacher : Thane
Monitor / Instructor : Anne Bollman, H.W., M.

Presentation Times

Feb 15th - Day 1

Class begins at

9:00 PT, and runs until about 16:00 PT

Feb 16th - Day 2

Class begins at

9:00 PT, and runs until about 16:00 PT

Estimated breaks of 15 minutes between lessons and a longer meal break.


Class Fees

New to Class




For information, contact Anne Bollman