And The Fight Is On Or Is it?

I grew up in an odd family.  Everyone does.  My family was big into erasing lines.  For example, one Thanksgiving at my dad’s house we celebrated with my Dad, my Stepmom, my maternal aunt and her husband, My step-brother and his wife, my step-mom’s, ex-husbands widow, and various other combinations.  These were our usual suspects.

The same is true with my ‘children’.  I will be attending Thanksgiving with my Step-daughters, their half siblings and various husbands and wives, as well as other in-laws and out-laws.  I am technically at out-law, as I was never married to my kids dad.  This will take place at my step daughters, sister home.  Since the death of all other parents have taken place in the last year, I have become the other mother to all of them. I consider it a great honor that they all love me that much.  I am overjoyed that they see me this way.  Must be my sun sign in Cancer.

The only monkey wrench in the entire system is politics.  The rule for years has been no politics at family functions and I believe this is a good idea.  Well today there was a blow up between family members over the recent election. Big surprise right? No.

One of my children called me about what was going on.  I had had a glimpse of it on Facebook, so I was not totally surprised.  One of my children is very emotional.  I believe it is very clear in her chart.  She and another one of my “children” started an internet argument.  We all know how that goes.  The one who called me needed to vent.  Now, if you listened to what she says you might mistakenly think she wants to fix things, but I know her better that that.  She was actually calling to warn me, which I appreciate.

I let her talk it out and then asked her what she wanted to do?  She answered me with “What?”  I said, “It’s not your place to fix this.  Thanksgiving is not at your house.  The rules are already in place.  What is it you want?’  

What she really wanted was for it not to have happened.  I told her that she did not have to worry about it.  It wasn’t her situation to handle or fix. 

It’s hard when you grow up feeling everything is your responsibility.  I know that was her experience growing up in that part of the family.  I said “Sweetheart, there is nothing you can do, or should do.  It isn’t your responsibility or even your business.”  She needed to hear that.  It took a big load off of her.

I recommended she stay out of it.  She had already disengaged so that part was easy.  I reminded her she had no control over any of it.  It wasn’t her fight and she could relax.   I admit I took it into the chambers of my mind and did a little fancy Translation ® work on it.

Isn’t it interesting that the election is just before the holidays?

But my joy is in seeing my girls.  I have not seen them since Christmas last year.  I love them dearly and have missed them terribly.  It isn’t that they would not come to see me.  It was that my treatment caused my immune system to be nearly non-existent during this time and it was not recommended I be around many people.  They have been really good about staying in touch and keeping an eye on me.  I love them for that as well.

I have reason to believe that this has brought up a lot for them to work on.  Having lost both or their birth parents last year, my illness has been of great concern to them.  I know they have been dealing with fears of losing me, because they have talked with me about this.  I have assured them I will be fine and make a full recovery.  I have plans and things to do, especially with The Prosperos.

Their relief is palpable now that I am coming to the end of my treatment and coming to spend Thankagiving with them.  I fully realize how fortunate I am to have so many people who care about my wellbeing.  Thank you to you who is reading this for being one of those people.

Politics may go crazy, but it is our interpersonal relationships which matter the most.  That is my focus right now.  While I am doing my own work around our political scene.  I am acutely aware that this is all any of us can do.  To know the Truth is in fact all we can ever do.

Thank you all who have taken me into the chambers of your mind in Translation ®.  I know it has made a great difference in my own experience.

Mahalo Nui Loa.