Lord Have Mercy 3: Our Father
I had a little secret as I went through my radiation treatment. Each day I would do a Translation® regarding my soma and the effect of radiation. Then during the treatment I would contemplate the Lord’s Prayer, both as most people know it and The Prosperos translation of it. I could mentally say the prayer almost all the way through with each dose of radiation. That was three times each treatment plus the contemplation between.
I have honestly had very little in the way of side effects. Both my regular oncologist and my radiation oncologist are a little flummoxed about this, constantly asking me if I had experienced a list of symptoms common to the procedure. The answer was always no. I only had one side effect of any significance and that was the final week of treatment when I developed a rash from the chemo drug.
Aside from that, I experienced fatigue and a bit of discomfort in my nether regions. That is all. It is my determination that the reason for me experiencing very little physical side effects was my spiritual practice. I was quite aware that that which was so, did not need radiation, only that which was not so, did. I know that sounds convoluted. It is a case of trying to put words on the ineffable. That is the best way I know how to describe what happened. I did not try to explain this to anyone. It was a job for the chambers of my mind. My Indian oncologist would have likely had some understanding of my spiritual practice, but it did not seem to be important to explain it to him. I just let him be amazed, and he was.
I’m not saying this with ego, my point was and is, I was caring for myself and didn’t really want to discuss it while it was ongoing. I did not want anyone else’s consciousness to interfere with what I was doing and learning. Or to interfere with my own grasp mentally.
Thane was aware of the power of the mind. What an understatement. I love the story he tells of having his hand smashed in the door while he was making payment at a gas station. I have witnessed this type of experience. I recall my dad water skiing at the Lake. One of his favorite tricks was to let go of the rope and ski over to a dock. so he could sit down and avoid going back in the lake. While we were out skiing on the lake, Dad had skied over to a dock to do just what I described and unbeknownst to him, the dock carpet had been pulled and there were nails sticking up. He rammed a nail deeply into the palm of his right hand and was significantly injured. We went to the front desk of the cabins where we were staying and he had the receptionist pour hydrogen peroxide over the wound. It was a deep hole. He worked with it mentally and by the end of the week you could barely tell he had been injured.
I suspect my own openness to healing comes from so many childhood experiences and stories I heard as I grew up, that I take for granted that it will be healed, as that was always the experience I witnessed. From my own perspective, Mormon healing was always an acknowledgment of the power of the Divine without any direction as to how it should manifest. Perhaps that is part of the interest Thane had in the Mormons. The acknowledgment. Or perhaps it is just because they are an odd bunch.
One of the most quizzical parts of this experience, for me, has been that it is like trying to pry open a vault to get the next step rolling and on my calendar. I know there will be more imaging and scoping, as well as surgery, but when? We are approaching the time of year where there are a lot of things going on with Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Year’s, I would like to have a clue. I haven’t seen my kids in almost a year. I would like to make personal plans. I also have to practice patience.
By the same token, I realize my own focus has had to be on me. I have had work to do - on me. It is interesting to see the effect of time. Our memories are faulty in that realm. It seems like moments ago as well as eons ago since this journey began. That is how we have a clue that time is illusional / delusional. We are making it up as we go along. Now is the only constant. Time is the illusion.
In retrospect, healing has been a constant dynamic in my life. But it isn’t really healing as such. It really is a revelation of Truth. I can see that every time the correction has taken place it has been a mental activity of revealing that which is so.
Our consciousness, if we allow it, will show us the error or our attention. Is our attention on that which is so, or are we living in the dream of non-reality? It is not difficult for me to see that the correction of our thinking is inherent in the revelation of what is so.
As a small child we have nightmares of the monster under our bed, which in the light of day reveals itself to be our house slipper. That is why the idea of light is so important. It clears away our illusions of what is not so. Which allows us to reveal what is so.
I believe that is the purpose of our incarnation. This is a school where we learn to see through the Maya to reveal in our own consciousness what is so, amongst the myriad of the illusions we constantly face. We may think we are living in a physical reality, but in truth we are living in a mental realm. A realm where our conscious viewpoint colors and creates the various illusions we get to work through in order to reveal what is so.
There are no accidents as such. I am acutely aware that my spiritual journey in The Prosperos is not an accident at this point in my life. It has been the next step in my personal spiritual evolution and an integral part of just what I need at this moment on my journey. It is what I have been seeking for a long time. I knew there was more to locate and come to understand.
The great challenge is to keep our ego out of our understanding. To simply learn and file our understanding where we can access the knowledge, without over congratulating ourself on how smart we are. That is the trap. We can start thinking we are pretty cool because we have come to an understanding. Our great demise is if we start to believe we are somehow superior because of it. We are children learning that 2 x 2 = 4. Oh we can be so proud of ourself with that one. Look how smart I am to have figured out that formula.
I also think it is good for us to acknowledge those moments of clarity. To take a moment and review the change that understanding brings us. To savor the moment of, at least momentarily, coming to the new understanding. Because when it happens for real it changes everything.
The consent quote from Science of Mind attributed to Dr Holmes was the phrase, “ Change your thinking, change your life.” It’s not quite right though. It isn’t our thinking per se. It more about an expansion of awareness. What most people perceive as thinking is simply a regurgitation of something we heard from someone else. Until we put it into practice it is nothing but regurgitated hubris. The moment we can see the difference, changes everything. I am glad to be here.