HANDLE = to touch with the hands; deal with, discuss; feel, touch; manage
QUESTION: Do you know how to handle a new understanding with your hands?
Image: Heather Williams, H.W., M.
STORY: It was about 9:30 pm when I went upstairs and sat in a chair in the little hallway outside my bedroom and began writing my first Translation®. The year was 1972. My Mentor, Liz Andrews, had finished the Translation® class at 7:30 pm and told us to do a written Translation® before we go to bed. I’ll always remember spending about 30 minutes quietly speaking these three sentences to myself as I wrote the words and expanded my Translation®. Truth is that which is so. That which is not truth is not so. Therefore Truth is All there is. These three sentences form a syllogism - an argument consisting of a major and a minor premise that together lead to a conclusion. Wow! Truth is ALL there is. Whew! I do not remember what my sense testimony was then, but over the years I have probably Translated thousands of problems (financial, health, relationship, etc.) that appeared to be devastating. With the tool of Translation® I have used my mind to reason and to dissolve my intellect. Translation® is a tool that helps me open up to the ever present TRUTH. Every human being has problems. And every human being has the ability to learn how to handle a problem. Repeat this syllogism to yourself. FEEL the Truth that you are drawn to understand. Learn more at my Translation® class: https://www.drawingtogether.com/translation-class
"Most people spend more time and energy going around problems than in trying to solve them." - Henry Ford
“Governing a great nation is like cooking a small fish - too much handling will spoil it.” ~ Lao Tsu
“I have held many things in my hands and I have lost them all; but whatever I have placed in God’s hands, that I still possess.” ~ Martin Luther
“I cannot always control what goes on outside. But I can always control what goes on inside.” ~ Wayne Dyer
Sit quietly. Assume an erect posture.
Sense the breath.
Be curious.
Open up to a problem in your life that is calling you to handle it. (Maybe you are starting or ending a job, or a relationship. Maybe you are thinking about cleaning out a closet or dealing with a health issue or tending to the garden.)
Get your pen and paper and write the syllogism slowly.
Feel a new understanding flow into your heart and open your mind.