
Are you an individuation of Infinite Mind?

INDIVIDUATION = the development of the individual from the universal

Image of a young woman with long hair

QUESTION: Are you an individuation of Infinite Mind?

STORY: It was the “Summer of Love” - June 1968. I was 21 when I took a leave of absence from my junior year at UW-Oshkosh and flew to San Francisco to explore hallucinogens. I knew no one. Hippies were friendly, kind people open to sharing and I quickly found a safe place to rent not far from Haight Street. I drew portraits in North Beach to pay my rent of $10 a month. In November 1968, I returned to Wisconsin and drew this portrait - my eyes expressing my new understanding that there is far more here in life than I’d been told. My individuation process had begun. I completed my college degree and in 1970 returned to San Francisco searching for a Gurdjieff Teacher and a 4th Way School. I was very fortunate when I found The Prosperos School of Ontology. Thane said in his Cosmic Intention Therapy Class: “Drugs can take you to a new place but you always come back to where you started. If you want to live in a higher, new place, you will have to do some “WORK”. I've been in the "WORK" now for many years and am very grateful.


“You are an individuation of infinite mind. You are an individuation of creative intuition. Being an individuation of infinite mind, you know what to do, and you will do it; you know what to say, and you will say it; you know what to write and you will write it.” ~ Thane, founder of The Prosperos School of Ontology

“The primary importance of psychedelic drugs, as far as I'm concerned, is that they give you access to a mode of consciousness that's completely different from the mode of consciousness we operate in every day of our lives.” ~ Aldus Huxley;



Sit quietly. Assume an erect posture. Sense the breath.

Relax. You are a unique individual in the Universe.

Get your pen and paper and write words or draw lines expressing your Higher Self which is Pure Consciousness - and also express your ego, physical self (height, weight, zip code, memories, fears, angers, sense of being separate from others).

Move forward into your day as an individuation of Infinite Mind.