LIMINAL = from the Latin root word LIMEN which means threshold; being in-between
QUESTION: Do you feel unsure about something?
Image: Heather Williams, H.W., M.
STORY: I am so grateful for the guy in this drawing who posed for me and about 20 other artists at the Encinitas Public Library. He is bending back slightly on his right foot and kinda playing the role of a hesitant guy. He does a very good job of telling the story of being doubtful, undecided, shy, unsure or in-between and LIMINAL. Liminal is feeling unsure, like when we walk on ground that feels unsafe or when we enter a dark room or when we sign a paper involving lots of money. Liminal is a word that describes a “rite of passage”. There are three liminal phases: Phase #1 is separation from the familiar. Phase #2 is “being in-between” - on the threshold - no longer outside the house and not yet inside the house. Phase #3 is reincorporation into a new social position, a new role, a new job, or a new understanding. Today we all are liminal - as we stand on a threshold of new technologies. Artificial Intelligence is activating our computers, sending us messages and guiding our words. I feel hesitant about this. How about you?
“Human freedom is the pause between stimulus and response.” ~ Heather Williams
“In the universe, there are things that are known, and things that are unknown, and in between them, there are doors.” ~ William Blake
“The present is a liminal space - where infinite possibility and reality collide.” ~ Erin Kelley
“The world needs more people who know how to navigate liminal spaces.” ~ Heather Plett
“The liminal person does not necessarily know that transformation is occurring at the time it is happening. Does a caterpillar have any idea that metamorphosis is about to take place as it enters the cocoon?‘ ~ Tim Carson
Sit quietly. Assume an erect posture.
Sense the breath.
Sit calmly and contemplate technology today.
Get your pen and paper and write words or draw lines expressing the hesitation or doubt or curiosity you feel about Artificial Intelligence being used to stimulate us.
Move forward into your day with a gentle willingness to BE PRESENT and to PAY ATTENTION.