Melting Time
By Pam Rodolph, H.W., M.
“What is going on? What is happening”, Bunny shakily asked?
“Their world is melting. Well, at least time is melting” said the owl.
“O no, how should we prepare?” exclaimed Bunny.
“Do you know what time is?” asked the owl.
“Well, no, but if its melting, that can’t be good. Who’s ‘they’?”
“Would that I could explain the universe to you, but suffice it to say, you have nothing to worry about. Time only exists in their world. It has no meaning for us, no effect on us.
“Okay, but what is it?”
“You’ve seen humans, right?”
“Why yes”.
“Time exists only for them. It allows them to exist in this dimension and conduct their human business.
“Do I have business?, asked the Bunny.
“Well…..I suppose you do. You have to eat and sleep to stay healthy and alive, right?”
“Yes, yes, I do.”
“Well, that is business”.
“O wow, I have business. I can’t wait to tell Alice Hare. Does that make me important? I feel so important.”
“Bunny, did you feel important before our conversation about business?”
“Umm, let me see. Yes, yes I did.”
“Well, there you go. Its just business. It doesn’t make you anything, well, except, alive.”
Pointing in the distance, Bunny asked, “What’s that? What are they doing? They are not moving. They look frozen.”
“That’s exactly what they are. When time melts, the world stops for them—a gap of ‘nothingness’ is created when they melt time, and that is a good thing for them. See, for us, there is no gap. Or rather, a more accurate explanation is that gap is not a gap for us. It has expanded into the all and everything. Its one moment exploded into infinity.”
“They are moving now, but not in the direction they were going when time melted. They’ll get lost.”
“They are already lost. The gap allows them to turn in a different direction than the one they were going in before the gap. Its like turning the dial on a padlock until you hear or feel it click. That gap is the click. It fits. It’s the right direction. Once the click ends, time starts again. But now they are on the right path until they begin to veer off of it again. They call it meditation”
“That sounds like fun.”
“Well, I think that’s why they do it. Some crazy game they love to play called, ‘Let’s Get Lost’.
“I want to play.”
“Sadly Bunny, you can’t. Every direction is your path. You can’t get lost.”
“That’s so unfair.
The wise old owl laughed and said, “Only a youngster like you would find living in Heaven unfair.”