Normalize Being A Conscious Human Thinking Being
The Prosperos is in this bizarre enterprise of helping people to understand their true identity as Consciousness. Operating on a 3-dimensional platform.
Stating that you are too busy to think, and letting AI or Google do it for you has started to become a danger to the Race of Homo-Sapiens and will one day be considered low status. Saying you are too busy to do your own thinking will equate to saying “ you have no money, you are behind in your payments, you spend the majority of your time watching porn, and you chase after one shiny thing after the next.
The Prosperos instruction is to help you get a grip on your thinking process, and as you use it correctly, you will have a unique perspective on What living Life means; Your relationship to the Universe; and your part in the creative process of Creation.
Calvin Harris
When some people have used the Prosperos techniques, and they have come to a comprehension of what they are doing, it has been noted that some have looked up from their seats and let out a sound like a scream, gasp, or laugh, as if they had become euphoric in a way such as a cheerleader seen at their winning teams football game.
The challenge is to set aside time to work on the techniques, time where you become unavailable to all digitally devices and other distractions that your busy world presents to you.
Allowing yourself to be available to conscious focused thinking, which secretly means … You truly value yourself and recognize how you value your time.
People who value their time have boundaries they set. They come to know that problems can be solved more effectively when first taken into the chambers of one’s mind. The Prosperos process allows one to slow down if they want to consider a situation from another point of view. This goes opposite and counter to the culture of I’m too busy to think… a culture that has started to hijack our minds.
There appears to be an open-ended loop response from people that have not used deep thinking, which has an undercurrent of anxiety.
Open loops mean the mind has not fully digested the information coming into it from data or sensory inputs, it can’t rest, so what you get is a constant state of anxious incompetence that leads to errors as inputs repeat and recycling as a result of it.
To change to a course of deep thinking, allow thoughts to be processed more direct and meaningfully in response to any situation. It represents a process that buys back your identity as consciousness the ability to think, and process thought. It allows you the ability to track and process within yourself.
The other choice, has you open to the danger of always being connected to the internet, it can diminish the power to think, or its ability for comprehension. Some would call it frying your brain.
Some people’s use of internet devices is to dull the stress or boredom of their life. Yet always being connected is exhausting (Especially the constant notifications). Instead of allowing for gaps of time in silence to tackle stress or boredom, these critical opportunities for change, are now currently being replaced with looking for escape through our device such as our phones and laptops. We open our devices looking for something to do that will allow escape or distraction, and by design our machines are there, always available with some options to offer.
People as a result have also started outsourcing their thinking to their devices, leading to the day that they don’t think anymore. They just live mindlessly like non-sentient robots and don’t really know why they exist. The internet has drowned us in information, but not comprehension. Writer Philip K. Dick in his books ( best known as the author of ‘Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?’ AKA - the Movie ‘Blade Runner’.) brings us to the question: “What is Human?”
Dick's gives us a clear statement on his view about the nature of human - “In stripping away the nonessential, … “that being human doesn't mean walking on two legs, having eyes, speaking language or even making love--the androids can do all this. It is the crazy, off-kilter, unconscious compassionate quality that Isidore has, and which is echoed in Mercer, the loving and magical fraud whose dishonesty doesn't matter, because it is completely dwarfed and made insignificant by his humanity.”
In Dick's universe, a creature that resembles an insect or a pudding may qualify as human even when something that looks, walks and talks like a man does not..”
The Prosperos is about Deep Work…
Shallow work is done in an environment full of distractions with the phone and new emails bombarding you every few minutes requiring you to react.
Deep work is done in a flow state. You have set a time period to work and focus. Where you do not allow distractions, and it is digitally free. You act upon your issues, not out of obligation but by choice. Deep work is a place where You use your humanity, kindness, creativity and imagination to find the Truth in any situation, most importantly that which is true about yourself as human but most of all as Consciousness.
If you’re not already living this way, it’s time to build a life that enables you to… The Prosperos community is here to help.