
What did you learn from your parents?

PARENT: one that brings forth offspring; a mother or father; a person that brings up and cares for another; the source from which something is derived

QUESTION: What did you learn from your parents?

STORY: We all have stories of our parents. When I was born, mom was 35 and dad was 26. Mom was Republican. Dad was a Democrat. Mom was Lutheran. Dad was agnostic - though raised Catholic. Mom and dad were different people and though they loved each other - their marriage was not meant to endure forever. They married in 1943 and divorced in 1961. Mom was quite fearful while dad was curious about the world around him. Mom inherited money from her father’s big dairy business and was able to live quite well without dad. Dad had a day job but didn’t make much money. My mom taught me to take care of my money. My dad taught me to be curious. Thank you mom and dad.


“It would be wonderful if every child was raised by loving, cheerful, wise parents but the truth is we are all on a sacred journey of coming to know our higher identity as Consciousness and interestingly, parents are a big part of the journey.” ~ Heather Williams

“The thing about parenting rules is there aren’t any. That’s what makes it so difficult.” ~ Ewan McGregor

“The universe doesn’t allow perfection.” ~ Steven Hawking

“Children begin by loving their parents; as they grow older they judge them; sometimes they forgive them.” ~ Oscar Wilde



Sit quietly. Assume an erect posture. Sense the breath.

Sit calmly and imagine that your parents are sitting before you. Gently ask each one a question. Open your heart and listen to their response.

Get your pen and paper and write words or draw lines expressing something that you learned in this dialogue with each of them.

Move forward into your day feeling yourself parenting something that wants to be born through you.