PHYSICAL = matter, what is perceived by the senses; relating to the body
QUESTION: Is your physical body all that you are?
STORY: Red Hawk’s book, Self Observation, helps me understand that - Yes, I have a body - but the Truth is - I AM a Soul. And what does this mean? Well, like you and everyone else - I exist for a brief moment in a human biological instrument. The deeper truth is we all are Souls having a human experience for the purpose of developing ourselves to become all that we are. Every moment of every day offers an opportunity for us each to stop, relax, be present and be mindfully aware that we are formless, timeless, ever present Souls here to learn how to convert the energy of our physical form identity back to the Energy of our Formless, birthless, deathless True Identity as Consciousness.
“God is simply the capacity to create and govern thoughts, located in YOU as consciousness.” ~ Thane
“When one is materialistic, one is not right. To value what you have and to know that you are loved and safe under the limbs of the Tree of Life - is to reject materialism and to live a life of virtue and appreciation. Materialism only fills your heart with envy and greed, while appreciation breeds contentment, balance and true happiness.” ~ Red Dog, Oglala Sioux
“The nightmare of materialism, which has turned the life of the universe into an evil, useless game, is not yet past; it holds the awakening soul still in its grip.” ~ Wassily Kandinsky
Sit quietly. Assume an erect posture.
Sense the breath. Yes you have a physical body but you are a SOUL! Curiosity is essential for humans to move beyond identifying as a material thing in a material world.
Get your pen and paper and write words or draw squiggles as you ask yourself questions like: What am I here for? What is my purpose? How am I an ENERGY CONVERTER?