
PRACTICE = to follow or employ a course of action; to learn by repeated performance; to train oneself; to work at repeatedly so as to become proficient

QUESTION: What do you practice?

STORY: This drawing began with a wiggly line at the top of the bird's wing and without a plan in mind - the lines flowed and flowed. And out of the flowing lines - some unexpected relationships emerged - and they formed new images that created a feeling of depth. And gradually I began to see a special meaning emerge. That’s when I wrote: “The birds fly to remind me to lift my eyes and my thoughts.” We each have a duty in life to choose healthy practices. I’ve practiced Translation® for 50 years - dissolving my problems back to dimensionless principles. Another practice that I love and value is being a channel for my Higher Self or Soul to see, hear, taste, touch, smell the world around me - without judgment. This practice is called Self Remembering (being present in the present moment) and observing myself and the world around me without naming or judging. Simple and powerful Ways are here for us to move through the reactionary, lower ego identity and to open up and live in the flowing Truthful energy of the ever present Higher Self Identity which is Consciousness. Every practice takes “WORK”. You can do it!


“Self observation proves our mechanical nature and inspires us to self remember and wake up to our True Identity as consciousness.” ~ Ira Friedlander

“Self observation is absolutely essential if I wish to know myself and mature into a human being and not remain on the mammal level of existence - an unconscious, habit-driven, mechanical, automatic-pilot slave to my personal history and to unconscious forces derived from that history.” ~ Red Hawk

“An ounce of practice is worth more than tons of preaching.” ~ Mahatma Gandhi



Sit quietly. Assume an erect posture. Sense the breath. Be willing to take a minute or two to practice “BEING PRESENT”. Notice any tension in the body.


When ready, get your pen and paper and write words expressing the Energy that is here now PRESENT in you. And play with drawing a squiggle. BE open to where it may take you. Move forward into your day with the practice of BEING PRESENT.