Self Observe
SELF OBSERVE = To observe yourself without judging, blaming or denying what you see
QUESTION: How do you observe without judging?
STORY: I drew this self portrait in 1985. To draw a good portrait of yourself - you must learn to OBSERVE yourself without judgment. My book, Drawing as a Sacred Activity shares my approach to this most amazing practice! Then, in 2019, I created a zoom book club for anyone who may be interested in opening up to our Higher Self (the part of us that is formlessly present, observing the world within us and around us without judgment). In 2020 we began discussing the book, Self Observation, by Red Hawk. Self observation is an ancient practice that helps us to wake up to our Higher Self. It is very interesting that in the process of waking up to our Higher Self - we experience the horror of seeing our lower ego-capacities in action - such as our habitual fears and angry reactions. The key is to just OBSERVE without naming, labeling or judging whatever we are observing. When you do this, you are able to let go of old beliefs and habits PLUS you are able to experience the loving energy of Higher Self - because it is our Higher Self that OBSERVES. Learn more about my Ontology Work Chamber.
“Good teaching would help me to understand not that I have a soul but that I AM a Soul, and I exist for a brief moment in a human biological instrument.” ~ Red Hawk
“Without self knowledge, without understanding the working and functions of his machine, man cannot be free, he cannot govern himself and he will always remain a slave.” ~ G.I. Gurdjieff
“Knowing yourself is the beginning of all wisdom.” ~ Aristotle
Sit quietly.
Assume an erect posture. Sense the breath.
Sit calmly and observe any tension in your body. Let go of the tension.
Let go of any judgment.
Get your pen and paper and write words or draw lines expressing yourself in this NOW moment - without judgment. Move forward into your day willing to observe without judgment.