The Power of Connection
If you spent time with Thane in the morning, you will remember the time he spent going through newspapers. In that browsing he was not interested in what ads were selling, the interest was in what was consciousness saying. Self-observation is also about observing how you connect to the whole systems of life that are presenting themselves in our awareness.
Our tendency is to departmentalize systems and our observations. Trying to understand what is happening in our world and consciousness we separate challenges from their relationship to the whole system. Rational and critical thinking demands we look at whole systems. Translation is about taking the fragments we are dealing with and returning them to the wholeness of Truth. Connecting the parts to the whole as whole.
It is our disconnection thinking from our wholeness causes us to label actions as bad or good. Many native religions believe this disconnection from the whole is the causer of illness and evil actions. Their rites are meant to merge this disconnection to the wholeness of Truth. Translation brings us to a deeper realization of our connection to the wholeness as Truth.
When you see a piece of art, poetry, writing, music, or advertising that moves you or brings you out of a daily rut of thinking, you have witnessed a creative work that has touched the very core of wholeness, as Truth. When we fragment these things, they can appear as evil or bad. The whole is not bad or evil, but we see parts of it in this way.
The recent AT&T ads are saying these types of things. “A single moment, enabled by connectivity may be all that it takes to change a life, launch a business, or change a story. “ And another; “ The power to connect is the power to change.”
I am connected to The Prosperos not because of Thane, but because I hear the Truth, felt, the Truth, and for the first time in my life I became connected to all life and knew life was beautiful, good, and Truth.
Thane, Perry Dickey, Billye, and a few other Mentors answered every email they received. They connected to everyone they could. Thane answered every email and sometimes even called. If you did not connect as a Mentor during Thane’s life, you found yourself on the red carpet.
We are the power to change, the power to reawaken. WE CAN CHANGE OUR STORY.
Love is adapting and adjusting to another person’s communication style. Connection is seeking out the interest that helps emotional engagement.
Love and Connection together is taking that what's on the surface and intending to engage at a deeper level – Joy Abdullah. Feb 15, 2021 © 2023 Suzanne Deakins