First High
Sometimes it’s strange watching all the various ways consciousness tries to reach people. They pursue these openings into a strange world from another galaxy with a vengeance, although it looks like they are only involved in common, everyday activities. The runner pounds the pavement until concrete gives way to flow. Now the runner is free. He no longer struggles for breath. Now, there is no friction to slow him down. But this is just a runway for him to leap into space and fly. The cowboy allows the movement of his horse to beat his body into submission until jolts and jars disappear and he “finds his seat”. And he will always find his seat as all he has to do is “nothing”. All he has to do is “allow”. Now he gallops across the roughest of terrains with his body anticipating every hole, every rock, every up and downhill because he has found “balance”. Not just balance. The “Hand of God” steadies this rider. Now he, too, leaps up and flies with the runner. Both rush out every day to pursue their activities if possible, desperate just to get one more taste of that perfect water.
My guess is every single human being who pursues, well, almost anything, does it to find a strand of perfect consciousness. We are often aware that we are pursuing something truly special but don’t quite know what it is. These are words depicting that very thing. The song is, “First High” by Nikki Lane.
Take me back to the first dream
Take me back to the first show
Right back to the first note
Take me back to the first kiss
I'm still searching for that first high
Oh how I miss how I felt when I fell for the first time
I'm still searching for that first high
Yeah, I'm still searching for that first high
Take me back to the first night
Back to the first ride
When there was nothing but the first time.