Imagine receiving the gift of a wonderfully moving poem a second time, 14 years after the giver first gave it. And knowing this gift is meant to be broadcast as ever-present Tidings from Suzanne Deakins, H.W., M.
Odd, I don't remember receiving Suzanne's poem, " Glory unto the Heavens", through email in 2010, when she sent it to her Prosperos friends including me. Yet I valued it enough then to print it and place it in my paper file.
If you could see the state of my files today, you too would see this as an amazing Christmastime surprise, also known as a miracle. I found it last week in that same old paper file folder, giving no clue it contained this poem. The timing of re-discovering this, following Suzanne Deakins' recent death and our tribute to her, could only be synchronicity.
Read it; breathe it in; recite it to your pet, partner, or simply the atoms around and in you.
Her poem to me is reflecting One Powerful Truth continuing on in infinite expression. May you uncover your own unique meaning of it this season.
In remembrance . . . Suzanne Deakins is the gift who keeps on giving.
In the Spirit of Gratitude,
Sara Walker, H.W., m.
Note: Thank you to Alanna Fennie who re-typed this poem for legibility.
Glory unto the Heavens
Silence in my soul
silence, falling softly
song in my heart
falling softly upon the life.
Thundering silence in your soul, falling softly upon life.
Glory in the heavens
Filled with silence of your soul.
Glory in the heavens
Filled with the songs of your heart.
Glory in the heavens
The birth shall be…
Glory in the heavens the LIGHT will arrive.
Thundering silence in your soul
The LIGHT will arrive,
Glory in the heavens the silence has been known.
Glory in the heavens the birth shall be . . .
Silence softly falling in your soul, song softly playing in your heart. . . . Glory in the heavens.
The birth shall be.
Thundering silence falling softly upon the life that is to be
Song filling, the heavens. . . For the life that is
Silence on the velvet darkness that shall know the song of LIGHT.
Song in the heavens for the Glory that shall be. . .
The thundering silence
Falling upon the shepherds. . .
Song of the LIGHT that is to be.
Song filling their heart with Glory. . .
for that which has been told.
Silence upon the soul for the life that will be born.
Song of LIGHT filling their harps
as they sit upon the silence
Thundering silence of the soul known
unto the Glory that they behold.
Song of life filling their harps as the heart shall be known. . .
Glory to the heavens for the birth that shall be told.
Glory to the heavens
For the star that has appeared.
Glory unto the Earth
For the LIGHT that has been told
Thundering silence falling softly upon the mountains of old.
Thundering silence of the soul
knowing all that that has been told.
Glory to the mountains,
for the life that will be born. . .
Glory to the stars for the life that has to be. . .
Thundering silence falling softly
upon the mother that has been told.
Song of her heart filling the life that is to be.
Glory to the heavens, for the mother has been told. . . Glory to the heavens for the life she shall behold. . .
Thundering silence falling softly upon my soul.
Song of my heart upon the heavens. . .
for the LIGHT that is to be.
Glory to the father for the life that is to be.
Glory to the heavens for the song that has been known.
Glory to the father for the seeds that will be sung.
Glory to the mother for the song upon her heart.
Thundering silence in the universe as the LIGHT has come to be.
Stars and Angels herald
as the thundering silence of my soul
falls upon the shepherds on bended knee. . .
Thundering silence in the universe for the LIGHT has come to be
The song of ages has come to be
The LIGHT that was to be has come upon the earth.
Songs of heaven brings Glory to the soul. . . The Life of LIGHT has come to be.
Glory to the Mother for she has brought forth in LOVE,
Glory to the Father for he has known the song of LIFE.
Glory to the heavens for they have heard the silence of the soul.
Glory to the song that will fill the LIGHT with LIFE.
Glory to silence for it brought forth in LOVE.
Glory to the LIGHT for it has been known as LOVE.
Glory to the LIGHT for it shall be forever and ever upon our mind and soul.
Glory to the LIGHT for it was brought forth in LOVE. . . And it shall reign forever in our soul and
Copyright © Suzanne Deakins, used by permission.