UNIQUE = being the only one of its kind; unequaled; peculiar; distinct
Image: Heather Williams, H.W., M.
QUESTION: In what ways are you unique?
STORY: There is one very important question that each of us must ask ourselves. The question is: WHO AM I? It is very important to understand that no one - but you - can answer this question. We all have a unique physical form. And we use our physical form to give expression to our unique formless Inner Self (emotions, intuitive insights, thoughts, ideas, desires, dreams, life purpose). We each are born with a creative seed planted deep within us. It is invisible. No one can see it, but it is there. You are the one who must nourish the Creative Seed within you and when you do, life opens up. For 18 years I was a Special Education Art teacher for middle school students (ages 11 to 13). Engaging our creativity is so very important. Almost every day I would sit at an outdoor lunch table before school and when someone sat near me, I would ask them if I could draw them. It took about 5 minutes. Here are 12 drawings of unique young people who are growing up in our world today. Let us each come to know WHO I AM and find our unique way to help each other discover and express the unique, creative seed that is within us all.
“Within every person is a unique goodness that will come forth.” ~ Thane
“To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment.” ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson
“Always remember that you are absolutely unique. Just like everyone else." ~ Margaret Mead
“One of the most important gifts a parent can give a child is the gift of accepting that child's uniqueness.” ~Fred Rogers
“What sets you apart can sometimes feel like a burden and it's not. And a lot of the time, it's what makes you great.” ~ Emma Stone
Sit quietly. Assume an erect posture.
Sense the breath.
Sit calmly and ask yourself: WHO AM I?
Gently listen to your heart and feel your Inner Self responding.
Get your pen and paper and write words or draw lines expressing your unique Inner Self as it flows through you and into expression!
Move forward into your day feeling the value and beauty of your own unique self.