Inner Child
INNER CHILD = the Soul, the Spiritual part of a person that is ever present and usually invisible. Characterized by playfulness, spontaneity and creativity the Inner Child can also be accompanied by anger, hurt, or fear attributable to childhood experiences
QUESTION: Have you met your Inner Child?
Image: Heather Williams, H.W.,M.
STORY: It is time today for us all to open up and work with our own Inner Child Soul Self. Everyone has an Inner Child - even elderly people. It is a psychological, spiritual, essential part of us that loves to play! Your Inner Child is ageless, birthless, deathless - and always with you. It was 1988 I think, when Louise Hay asked me to open her ten-day Int’l Teacher Training by presenting my Inner Child Drawing Exercise. To prepare myself for this I did this Inner Child exercise every morning for two months/60 days. Wow! It opened up lots of interesting insights for me and very special little drawings. Your Inner Child is like a very personal angel that lives within you. Today I continue connecting with this part of me. It’s like a good friend. Try the exercise below and see how easy it is to explore this part of you.
“We nurture our creativity when we release our inner child. Let it run and roam free. It will take you on a brighter journey.” ~ Serina Hartwell
“I’m happy to report that my Inner Child is still ageless.” ~ James Broughton
“We have to listen to the child we once were, the child who still exists inside us. That child understands magic moments. The child we once were is still there.” ~ Paulo Coelho
“The most potent muse of all is our own inner child.” ~ Stephen Nachmanovitch
“I believe that this neglected, wounded, inner child of the past is the major source of human misery.” ~John Bradshaw
Sit quietly. Assume an erect posture.
Sense the breath.
Sit calmly and feel that the child that you once were is here now inside you.
Get your pen and paper. The adult you will use your dominant hand to ask the question and the child part of you will use your non-dominant hand to answer the question.
#1: What is your name?
#2: What are you feeling right now?
#3: What can I do to help you feel really good?
Breathe. Relax. And move forward into your day connected and open to new things.