MAD = refers to reckless, crazy, uncontrolled fury or anger. Mad can also refer to a demented state of being “out of one’s mind”.
QUESTION: What makes you mad?
STORY: When I am mad - I mean really mad - I am not capable of reasoning or thinking in a clear or sensible way. I’m sure you know what I mean. You’ve felt mad - right?. Every single human being has, at one time or another, kinda flipped out with feeling “mad as hell”. I felt mad when I drew this little imaginative drawing. Thankfully, drawing this picture - kinda drew the madness out of me. In this moment I was able to pay attention, to relax, to listen, to be present. “Know Thyself” is an ancient and essential practice that I have engaged for some time now to help me take a PAUSE when fear and anger blow up inside me. Then I am able to allow LOVE to guide me. If you might be interested in “Knowing Thyself” - I recommend two books by Red Hawk: Self Observation and Self Remembering.
“Inappropriate emotion can become a trigger to help me refocus attention on keeping the body relaxed - so the emotion does not capture and consume my attention.” ~ Red Hawk
“Anybody can become angry - that is easy, but to be angry with the right person and to the right degree and at the right time and for the right purpose, and in the right way - that is not within everybody's power and is not easy.” ~ Aristotle
“When angry, count to ten before you speak. If you are very angry, count to one hundred.” Thomas Jefferson
Sit quietly. Assume an erect posture. Sense the breath.
Sit calmly and observe your emotional feelings right now.
Relax and listen to your body.
Honor an emotional feeling - by drawing it out.
Get your pen and paper and write words or draw lines expressing your feelings. If an emotion feels volcanic - allow yourself to erupt on the paper.
Then when ready, move forward into your day guided by LOVE.