March of the Muses: Winston Churchill
Credit: BiblioArchives / LibraryArchives, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons
This week’s muse needs no introduction: the peerless Winston Churchill. Most famously known for his unwavering conviction that Britain must stand firm against the seemingly implacable forces of fascism and national socialism, Winston Churchill is an example of someone who refused to believe what others were telling him (sense testimony) and instead held firm to an innate knowing of what is right.
“We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give.”
— Winston Churchill
This quote from Winston Churchill reminds us of a compelling truth of what the ancients called alchemy, or the process of self discovery. We don’t know who we are until we give of ourselves (the inner) in the world (the outer). We expend of our thoughts, our emotions, our beliefs and our actions; we test them out. And through this process uncover who we are as individuals and in community.
Thane, founder of the Prosperos School, explores this alchemy of energy conversion through his teachings (like in the freely available Transcendentalism series) and in the tools he developed (Translation® and Releasing the Hidden Splendour™) Consider this second bonus quote from Thane, which parallels the sentiment in Churchill’s quote:
“Start a program of spending yourself and you can do this extravagantly…There are all kinds of programs for giving…there are things we should learn about giving because they become actions of love if we are spending ourselves at the same time.“
— Thane, Transcendentalism Lesson 1
Exercise: 15 through 21 March
This week commit to exploring what it means to spend of yourself and how, by doing so, you engage in acts of love. For deeper inspiration, consider listening to Lesson 1 of the Transcendentalism series.