Poet's Corner

A haiku is a type of short-form poem that originated in Japan. Haiku poems are typically written in three lines, with five syllables in the first line, seven in the second, and five in the third. They are unrhymed, but some poets may choose to rhyme the first and third lines for added challenge. Haiku poems often focus on nature or the seasons, and emphasize simplicity, intensity, and directness of expression.)

NEEDS                                                        COLD

my hand reaches out                                    today's wind is cold

baby birds seek their mother                        arctic storms stream down on us

everyone has needs                                        a fur coat needed

GALAXIES                                                   CELEBRATION

river of bright stars                                        ancients watched

blue black sky awash with light                    meso-america danced

galaxies abound    `                                       world celebration

MAP                                                            AIR

squirrel buries nuts                                    metal wind chimes peal

inside a map of his food                            breeze moves cylinders of pipe

attribute of mind                                        intercourse of air

FLOW                                                        CHILL

one drop of water                                        single leaf shudders

circumnavigates the world                            a cloud scurries thru cold air

continuous flow                                                no chill in wool cape

THOUGHT                                               KNOWING

fish running rapids                                    where does this path lead?

a restless river of thoughts                        many feet have trod the trail

mind wavers a lot                                        action leads knowing