PEEK = to look quickly, furtively and slyly; to glance
Image: Heather Williams, H.W.,M.
QUESTION: Do you peek at things?
STORY: Usually we “peek” at something when it stirs our curiosity. We ask questions like: What is she doing with that hat? or Why is he holding her that way? or Where is that car going? It is our curiosity that helps us explore the world around us and mindfully connect with what our senses are telling us. When we look more closely at a mysterious shape or color - we understand a little better what we are seeing or hearing. The artist in us loves to peek and discover new angles, new intersecting lines and shapes, new colors, new tones and melodies, new stories, new ideas.
“It's fun to peek into other people's worlds and see how they go about doing things.” ~ Norah Jones
“Peeking is a process of discovery. It's being quiet enough and undisturbed enough for a period of time so that the songs can begin to sort of peek out, and you begin to have emotional experiences in a musical way.” ~ James Taylor
“I was born on a plantation, and things weren't so good. We didn't have any money. I never thought of the word 'poor' 'til I got to be a man, but when you live in a house that you can always peek out of and see what kind of day it is, you're not doing so well. And your restroom is not inside the house.” ~ B.B.King
Sit quietly. Assume an erect posture.
Sense the breath.
Sit calmly and practice peeking at the edge of a cabinet or at a leg of a table or at the old man walking down the street.
Gently peek at something until you notice something new.
Then, get your pen and paper and write words or draw lines expressing your personal experience with peeking at something.
Move forward into your day playing with peeking.